Showing posts with label java application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label java application. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Java Applications

Every Java application contains a class that defines a method called main(). The name of this class is the name that you use as the argument to the Java interpreter when you run the application. You can call the class whatever you want, but the method which is executed first in an application is always called main(). When you run your Java application, the method main() will typically cause methods belonging to other classes to be executed, but the simplest possible Java application program consists of one class containing just the method main(). As you will see below, the main() method has a particular fixed form, and if it is not of the required form, it will not be recognized by the Java interpreter as the method where execution starts.

You can see how this works by taking a look at just such a Java program. You need to enter the program code using your favorite plaintext editor, or if you have a Java development system with an editor, you can enter the code for the example using that. When you have entered the code, save the file with the same name as that used for the class and with the extension .java. For this example the file name will be The program consists of a definition for a class I have called OurFirstProgram. The class definition contains only one method, the method main(). The first line of the definition for the method main() is always of the form:

public static void main(String[] args)

The code for the method appears between the pair of curly braces. This version of the method has only one executable statement:

System.out.println(“Krakatoa, EAST of Java??”);

So what does this statement do? Let’s work through it from left to right:

[1] System is the name of a standard class that contains objects that encapsulate the standard I/O devices for your system - the keyboard for command-line input and command-line output to the display. It is contained in the package java.lang, so it is always accessible just by using the simple class name System.

[2] The object out represents the standard output stream - the command line on your display screen - and is a data member of the class System. The member, out, is a special kind of member of the System class. Like the method main() in our OurFirstProgram class, it is static. This means that out exists even though there are no objects of type System. Using the class name, System, separated from the member name out by a period - System.out - references the out member.

[3] The bit at the rightmost end of the statement, println(“Krakatoa, EAST of Java??”),calls the println() method that belongs to the object out, and that outputs the text string that appears between the parentheses to your display. This demonstrates one way in which you can call a class method - by using the object name followed by the method name, with a period separating them. The stuff between the parentheses following the name of a method is information that is passed to the method when it is executed. As we said, for println() it is the text we want to output to thebcommand line. You can compile this program using the JDK compiler with the command

or with the -classpath option specified:
javac –classpath .

If it didn’t compile, there’s something wrong somewhere. Here’s a checklist of possible sources of the problem:

[4] You forgot to include the path to the jdk1.5.0\bin directory in your PATH, or maybe you did not specify the path correctly. This will result in your operating system not being able to find the javac compiler that is in that directory.

[5] You made an error typing in the program code. Remember Java is case-sensitive, so OurfirstProgram is not the same as OurFirstProgram, and of course, there must be no spaces in the class name. If the compiler discovers an error, it will usually identify the line number in the code where the error was found. In general, watch out for confusing zero, 0, with a small letter o,or the digit one, 1, with the small letter l. All characters such as periods, commas, and semicolons in the code are essential and must be in the right place. Parentheses, (), curly braces, {}, and square brackets, [], always come in matching pairs and are not interchangeable.

[6] The source file name must match the class name exactly. The slightest difference will result in an
error. It must have the extension .java. Once you have compiled the program successfully, you can execute it with the command:

java –ea OurFirstProgram

The -ea option is not strictly necessary since this program does not use assertions, but if you get used to putting it in, you won’t forget it when it is necessary. If you need the -classpath option specified:

java –ea –classpath . OurFirstProgram

Assuming the source file compiled correctly, and the jdk1.5.0\bin directory is defined in your path, the most common reason for the program failing to execute is a typographical error in the class name, OurFirstProgram. The second most common reason is writing the file name, OurFirstProgram.class, in the command, whereas it should be just the class name, OurFirstProgram.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


At this point we can introduce another bit of jargon you can use to impress or bore your friends - encapsulation. Encapsulation refers to the hiding of items of data and methods within an object. This is achieved by specifying them as private in the definition of the class. In the CowboyHat class, the instance variables owner, type, size, and hatOn were encapsulated. They were accessible only through the methods defined for the class. Therefore, the only way to alter the values they contain is to call a method that does that. Being able to encapsulate members of a class in this way is important for the security and integrity of class objects. You may have a class with data members that can take on only particular values. By hiding the data members and forcing the use of a method to set or change the values, you can ensure that only legal values are set.

I mentioned earlier another major advantage of encapsulation - the ability to hide the implementation of a class. By allowing only limited access to the members of a class, you have the freedom to change the internals of the class without necessitating changes to Java programs that use the class. As long as the external characteristics of the methods that can be called from outside the class remain unchanged, the internal code can be changed in any way that you, the programmer, want.

A particular object, an instance of CowboyHat, incorporates, or encapsulates, the owner, the size of the object, and the status of the hat in the instance variable hatOn. Only the constructor, and the putHatOn(), takeHatOff(), changeOwner(), and getSize() methods can be accessed externally.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Hypertext Markup Language

The Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML as it is commonly known, is used to define a web page. When you define a web page as an HTML document, it is stored in a file with the extension .html. An HTML document consists of a number of elements, and each element is identified by tags. The document will begin with < html > and end with < /html >. These delimiters, < html > and < /html >, are tags, and each element in an HTML document will be enclosed between a similar pair of tags between angle brackets. All element tags are case-insensitive, so you can use uppercase or lowercase, or even a mixture of the two, but by convention they are capitalized so they stand out from the text. Here is an example of an HTML document consisting of a title and some other text:

< html >  

< head > 

< title > This is the blog of Java < /title > 

< /head > 

< body > You can put whatever text you like here. The body of a 
document can contain all kinds of other HTML elements, including 
< b > Java applets < /b >. Note how each element always begins 
with a start tag identifying the element, and ends with an end tag 
that is the same as the start tag but with a slash added. The pair 
of tags around ‘Java applets’ in the previous sentence will display 
the text as bold.

< /body >

< /html > 

There are two elements that can appear directly within the < html > element, a < head > element and a < body > element, as in the example above. The < head > element provides information about the document, and is not strictly part of it. The text enclosed by the < title > element tags that appears here within the < head > element will be displayed as the window title when the page is viewed.

Other element tags can appear within the < body > element, and they include tags for headings, lists, tables, links to other pages, and Java applets. There are some elements that do not require an end tag because they are considered to be empty. An example of this kind of element tag is < hr/ >, which specifies a horizontal rule, a line across the full width of the page. You can use the < hr/> tag to divide up a page and separate one type of element from another.

Executing an Applet

The Java compiler in the JDK will compile both applications and applets. However, java applet is not executed in the same way as an application. You must embed an applet in a web page before it can be run. You can then execute it either within a Java 2-enabled web browser, or by using the applet-viewer, a bare-bones browser provided as part of the JDK. It is a good idea to use the applet-viewer to run applets while you are learning. This ensures that if your applet doesn’t work, it is almost certainly your code that is the problem, rather than some problem in integration with the browser. If you have compiled an applet and included it in a web page stored as MyApplet.html in the current directory on your computer, you can execute it by entering the command:

appletviewer MyApplet.html

So how do you put an applet in a web page.

Executing a Java Application

To execute the bytecode program in the .class file with the Java interpreter in the JDK, you make the directory containing the .class file current and enter the command:

java -enableassertions MyProgram

Note that we use just the name MyProgram to identify the program, not the name of the file generated by the compiler, MyProgram.class. It is a common beginner’s mistake to use the latter by analogy with the compile operation. If you put a .class file extension on MyProgram, your program won’t execute, and you will get an error message:

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MyProgram/class

While the compiler expects to find the name of your source file, the java application interpreter expects the name of a class, which is MyProgram in this case, not the name of a file. The MyProgram.class file contains the MyProgram class. We will explain what a class is shortly. The -enableassertions option is necessary for JDK 5.0 programs that use assertions, and since you will be using assertions once you have learned about them it’s a good idea to get into the habit of always using this option. You can abbreviate the -enableassertions option to -ea if you wish. If you want to override an existing CLASSPATH definition, the option is the same as with the compiler. You can also abbreviate -classpath to -cp with the compiler or the Java interpreter. Here’s how the command would look:

java -ea -cp . MyProgram

To execute your program, the Java interpreter analyzes and then executes the bytecode instructions. The Java Virtual Machine is identical in all computer environments supporting Java, so you can be sure your program is completely portable. As we already said, your program will run just as well on a Unix Java implementation as it will on that for Microsoft Windows, Solaris, Linux, OS/2, or any other operating system that supports Java.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Learning Java

Java is not difficult to learn, but there is a great deal to it. Although the Java language is very powerful, it is fairly compact, so acquiring an understanding of it will take less time than you think. However, there’s more to Java than just the language. To be able to program effectively in Java, you also need to understand the libraries that go with the language, and these are very extensive. In this book, the sequence in which you learn how the language works and how you apply it has been carefully structured so that you’ll gain expertise and confidence with programming in Java through a relatively easy and painless process. As far as possible, each chapter avoids the use of things you haven’t learned about already. A consequence, though, is that you won’t be writing Java applications with a GUI right away. While it may be an appealing idea, this would be a bit like learning to swim by jumping in the pool at the deep end. Generally speaking, there is good evidence that by starting in the shallow end of the pool and learning how to float before you try to swim, you’ll minimize the chance of drowning, and there is a high expectation that you’ll end up being a competent swimmer.

You can run Java programs on a wide variety of computers using a range of operating systems. Your Java programs will run just as well on a PC running any supported version of Microsoft Windows as it will on Linux or a Sun Solaris workstation. This is possible because a Java program does not execute directly on your computer. It runs on a standardized environment called the Java 2 Platform that has been implemented as software on a wide variety of computers and operating systems. The Java Platform consists of two elements - a software implementation of a hypothetical computer called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java Application Programming Interface (Java API), which is a set of software components that provides the facilities you need to write a fully fledged interactive application in Java.

A Java compiler converts the Java source code that you write into a binary program consisting of bytecodes. Bytecodes are machine instructions for the Java Virtual Machine. When you execute a Java program, a program called the Java interpreter inspects and deciphers the bytecodes for it, checks it out to ensure that it has not been tampered with and is safe to execute, and then executes the actions that the bytecodes specify within the Java Virtual Machine. A Java interpreter can run standalone, or it can be part of a web browser such as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, or Microsoft Internet Explorer where it can be invoked automatically to run applets in a web page.